Edmond de Rothschild Partners With PeakBridge on Food Tech Fund With Initial EUR 250M Target

Edmond de Rothschild Partners With PeakBridge on Food Tech Fund With Initial EUR 250M Target

By Lynda Kiernan-Stone, Global AgInvesting Media

Edmond de Rothschild’s (EdR) Private Equity investment platform has announced its partnership with PeakBridge VC for the formation of an agri-food tech fund with an initial target of EUR 250 million in assets. 

Officially announced on December 2, 2021, at an event organized by EdR as part of “Building Bridges Week” in Geneva, Switzerland, the fund will build on the partners’ shared vision and common values around the transformation of our food systems, and will focus on investments in key segments of the supply chain such as innovative ingredients, technologies related to alternative proteins, new agricultural systems, and nutrition.

“The food industry has a significant impact on our health and on our planet. Through this cooperation, we will support companies and entrepreneurs who provide tangible solutions to the need for profound transformation of our agricultural and food systems,” said Nadav Berger, managing partner, PeakBridge.

Together EdR and PeakBridge, a pioneer in food tech investing since 2000 that excels in navigating the complexities of the food industry, and currently manager of two foodtech seed funds totaling EUR 70 million, have agreed to pool their skills to accelerate the growth of the Agri-Food Tech platform. And through combining their respective skills and international presence, the partners aim to be contributing responders to the environmental and social challenges associated with our food systems. 

Johnny El Hachem, CEO at Edmond de Rothschild Private Equity, said, “This partnership, with a professional agri-food tech asset manager close to our DNA, testifies to our desire to constantly improve our offer and to increase our impact in strategic sectors such as food and agriculture. We believe that with PeakBridge, we can make a lasting impact on social and environmental issues around the world.”

With a history of more than 250 years, Edmond de Rothschild has invested in the development of necessary infrastructures needed by future generations. Now, alongside PeakBridge, the group’s Private Equity investment platform continues this work by focusing on agrifood infrastructure. And by relying on key players in the ecosystem, this partnership will work to develop the tools and solutions needed to feed the planet in a healthier and more sustainable way. 

“We are grateful for this mark of confidence on the part of Edmond de Rothschild,” said Erich Sieber, managing partner, PeakBridge. “This gives us the credibility and legitimacy to pursue our efforts to invest in the infrastructure necessary for innovation in the field of agri-food tech. We will work closely with Edmond de Rothschild to identify, invest, and support high growth entrepreneurs and technologies that will have an impact on the future of our food systems.”


– Lynda Kiernan-Stone is editor with GAI Media, and is managing editor and daily contributor for Global AgInvesting’s AgInvesting Weekly News and  Agtech Intel News, as well as HighQuest Group’s Oilseed & Grain NewsShe can be reached at lkiernan-stone@globalaginvesting.com