Insight Investment is a leading global asset manager with over $790bn of assets under management.* We deliver bespoke risk management solutions to a wide range of clients across liability-driven investment (LDI), active fixed income, liquidity, absolute return, multi-asset, currency risk management, specialist equity and farmland strategies.
We aim to develop resilient portfolios to meet our clients’ specific requirements. Our investment strategies are designed to evolve dynamically to meet changing needs and stay ahead of market developments. We remain at the forefront of recognizing the importance of liabilities for pension plans and are a pioneer of LDI which has been a significant contributor to protecting funding levels over the past decade.
Located across the globe, our clients include pension plans (both defined benefit and defined contribution), corporations, insurers, sovereign wealth funds, wealth managers, financial institutions, charities and private individuals.
*As of December 31, 2017. Assets under management (AUM) are represented by the value of cash securities and other economic exposure managed for clients. Reflects the AUM of Insight, the corporate brand for certain companies operated by Insight Investment Management Limited (IIML). Insight includes, among others, Insight Investment Management (Global) Limited (IIMG), Insight Investment International Limited (IIIL), Cutwater Asset Management Corp. (CAMC), Cutwater Investor Services Corp. (CISC) and Insight North America LLC (INA), each of which provides asset management services.
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