Enterprise Ireland Launches Agribusiness Fund

September 4, 2015

In an effort to support, develop, and grow upcoming Irish agribusiness and agri-food companies, Enterprise Ireland has launched a €250,000 Competitive Feasibility Fund for Agribusiness.


The fund will focus on early-stage ventures in agribusiness including businesses involved in manufacturing, fabrication, engineering, machine design, the development of life sciences products that are applied to the agri-food sector, agriculture-related software, vet-pharma, chemical products, animal health, or food projects, with particular interest given to projects with an international market appeal.


Applications for funding will be accepted until September 8, and will be considered on a competitive basis. Enterprise Ireland is looking to provide funding to projects that have the highest potential of achieving significant growth within three years, indicated by sales of €1 million per year and 10 or more employees.


Eligible applicants must have a business less than three years from incorporation, involved in manufacturing, or an internationally traded services business. Business must not be involved in ‘gaming’ or gambling, and must have the potential to create jobs and notable growth in the agribusiness sector. Ventures focused only on Ireland’s domestic market are not eligible to apply. Successful applicants may receive a maximum €25,000.

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