April 3, 2016
Martin Lemoine is the Agribusiness Investment Unit Head at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), leading equity and debt investments in food and agribusiness across Asia. Martin has more than 15 years of private sector experience, including 10 years investing in Asia. In the last four years, Martin led investments in a food processor in Bangladesh, a beverage maker in Kazakhstan, a high-value spice exporter in India and Cambodia, and a company promoting hazelnut production in Bhutan. These projects typically included technical assistance targeted at smallholder farmers supplying to the companies supported by ADB and mobilization of donors funds to support climate resilience and inclusive business. Martin is now working with his team on new investment projects in the People’s Republic of China (in the dairy and livestock sectors) and Southeast Asia (in the seeds and horticulture sectors). Prior to joining ADB, Martin was an investment banker with Macquarie’s infrastructure team in Singapore. Martin started his career as a McKinsey consultant in Paris, Dubai, and New Delhi. He holds an MBA from the Wharton School (Palmer Scholar), and master degrees from Essec and Sciences Po.
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