Nick Tapp

March 26, 2016

Nick joined Craigmore in 2013 to lead the Client Advisory team, after heading up the Agribusiness team for Bidwells, leading agricultural consultants in the UK. Craigmore is now responsible for managing 35 farming and forestry properties in New Zealand, with AUM in over $600m. Nick brings with him farming expertise with a global perspective, having grown up in the remote West Highlands of Scotland, managed a large arable and vegetable farming business in Kent, and, for nearly two decades, has invested in central European agriculture, where he sits on the Board of Magyar Farming Company, operating a large scale diversified farming business in Hungary, Ukraine and, until 2014, Serbia. Nick was Chair of Grain Harvesters Ltd, a grain storage and marketing business until the successful sale of the business in 2014. He recently served on the Board of the Potato Council, chairing the Market Information Committee; was a Director of the Oxford Farming Conference, and for 6 years sat on the Policy Committee of the Country Land and Business Association. He currently serves as a Trustee of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Nick qualified as a Chartered Surveyor, is a Nuffield Farming Scholar, a Fellow of the Royal Agricultural Societies, and was a founder member of the British Association for Bio-fuels and Oils.

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