Bega Cheese to Sell Its Minority Stake in Australian Dairy Processor to Saputo

Bega Cheese to Sell Its Minority Stake in Australian Dairy Processor to Saputo


Bega Cheese, Ltd. announced it has agreed to sell its 18.8% stake in Australia’s oldest dairy, Warrnambool Cheese & Butter (WCB) to Canada’s Saputo Inc. Bega expects to receive between A$97.7 million and A$101 million for its interest.  The sale will give Saputo control of 45.2% of WCB bringing it closer to majority ownership of the processor.  Saputo has been embroiled in a months-long three-way battle with Bega Cheese and Murray Goulburn for control of the company. Murray Goulburn still owns 17.7% and is offering A$9.50 per WCB share on the condition it gets approval from Australia’s competition watchdog.  Saputo has offered A$9.40 per share if it gains 75% control of the company. On January 15th WCB closed on the Australian Securities Exchange at A$9.40 suggesting that investors expect Saputo to gain a solid majority.


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